Adpat Counselling & Therapist Mindfulness Counselling


    Who comes for counselling?

    Counselling can benefit anyone experiencing difficult times and struggling to cope with life's complexities. Whether it's a challenging situation or event that disrupts daily life, therapy can provide support.


    People come to counselling for various reasons, including:

    Personal Issues: Feeling lonely, anxious, or depressed.

    Relationship Challenges: Struggles in personal relationships or difficulties with identity.

    Life Events: Coping with bereavement, divorce, or separation.

    Self-Esteem: Addressing low self-confidence and self-worth.

    Addiction and Disorders: Managing eating disorders, substance abuse, or post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

    Workplace Difficulties: Dealing with issues such as bullying or harassment.

    Personal Growth: Learning to relate better to others or seeking more meaning in life.

    Client Feedback:

     ""Counselling improved my relationship with my husband. My past was affecting my present."

     "I no longer blame myself."

     "I've transformed; I now have self-worth and can better care for myself."